Baywatch Drops Two Hilarious International Trailers

Whether or not you were a fan (or even old enough to have remembered) the original Baywatchwhich premiered on NBC in 1989 and then found a second life when it returned in 1991 and became a hit, you will likely find Paramount Pictures' upcoming film version exciting. That's because for the big screen adaptation, Baywatch is going to be funny. How do we know? Try these two, surprisingly NSFW new international trailers that just dropped. Starring Dwayne Johnson, Alexandra Daddario, Zac Efron, Kelly Rohrbach, Jon Bass, Ilfenesh Hadera, Priyanka Chopra and Hannibal Buress, director Seth Gordon's Baywatch looks to be chock-a-block with humor.

Now, for us fogies, the original Baywatch was both unintentionally funny and irrefutably fun. David Hasselfhoff, Yasmine Bleeth and Pamela Anderson were icons of the early 90s, and the show was nothing if not enjoyable. Extremely attractive people playing lifeguards who end up solving major crimes? Yes, yes and yes again. Now the big screen adaptation is taking that premise and running wild with it—why a bunch of lifeguards would not only get involved in a major crime operation, but put themselves right into the middle of it, is a question that is broached, to hilarious effect, in one of the trailers below. With a cast of comedic actors with impeccable timing, Baywatch could be a great way to kick off your summer.

Baywatch hits the big screen May 26, 2017. Check out the new trailers, and, if you're watching at work, put your earbuds in.

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.