Go Inside the Rogue One Creature Shop

The Creature Shop is one of the most important production aspects of any Star Wars film. No amount of CGI can ever make up for how crucial it is for Star Wars films to be inhabited by creatures created by hand, giving actors the unbeatable advantage of being able to interact with a creature that’s really stand there before them. For Rogue One director Gareth Edwards, that meant leaning on Creature Effects Supervisor Neal Scanlan and his team to help build the beings that will populate the many worlds of the film, and give Edwards’ actors something to actually act against. 

“The creatures are amazing, their eyes blink and move, and their lips have very subtle expression,” says Alan Tudyk, himself playing a creature of sorts, K-2S0, a former Imperial droid whose been reprogrammed by Diego Luna’s Cassian Andor to serve the rebels. 

“You look up and one of the creature is a huge monkey shooting an enormous gun out of the plane and you remember, this is ‘Star Wars,’” says the film’s star, Felicity Jones. 

In this fantastic behind-the-scenes featurette, let Edwards, Scanlan and the cast take you on a tour of some of the creatures in Rogue One. If you notice a preponderance of space monkeys in the film, you can credit that to Edwards’ love of all things simian. 

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story his theaters on December 16.

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.