The Death Star Earns its Name in new Rogue One Trailer

To help ease you into this weekend after a particularly stressful week (Leonard Cohen passing away yesterday was particularly tough to take. Then again, the man lived a full, glorious life), we've got a brand new international trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

What more could you ask for on a Friday than a bunch of new footage from the upcoming, non-saga Star Wars film, including fresh sequences that show Death Star carnage, reveal that Jyn Erso's (Felicity Jones) father has communicated a secret message about the Death Star that is the main reason she's selected to lead the mission, and, a Kyber crystal necklace that looks like it's going to have some major importance in the film.  

Director Gareth Edwards looks to have fashioned a stunning war film, which, aside from the X-Wings, Death Star and the like, resembles Black Hawk Down as much as it does previous Star Wars films. And that's a good thing.  

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens on December 16.

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The Credits

The Credits is the Motion Picture Association's online platform that profiles below-the-line filmmakers and TV creators. Through in-depth interviews and coverage, we shine a spotlight on all the individuals who are indispensable to the entertainment industry and create the films and series we love.