Modern Technology Meets the Spanish Inquisition in new Assassin’s Creed Trailer

We've been excited about Assassin's Creed for a while now. When we shared with you the historic free fall pulled off by Michael Fassbender's stunt double, one of the highest free falls in almost 35 years, you seemed just as excited as we did. That feat was pulled off by stunt perofrmer Damien Walters, one of the best in the business. Director Justin Kurzel (Macbeth, The Snowtown Murders) knows a thing or two about realistic action, and he's made to sure to ground Assassin's Creed in reality as much as possible. This meant that the "Leap of Faith," a major moment in the film where Fassbender's assassin Callum Lynch is trapped and needs to take a 125 foot plunge to free himself, was going to be done for real. No CGI, no multiplying a 25 foot jump in post-production—this is the real deal. 

Now that the official trailer for the film is upon us, we can see how much the "in-camera" stunt work (meaning stunts that were performed by actual people on camera, rather than rendered in post-production via CGI) has paid off. At the very end of the clip, you'll see the Leap of Faith, as well.

Kurzel has brought back back his Macbeth stars in Fassbender and Marion Cotillard, using their gravitas as perofrmers to give his adaptation of the popular video game series a major boost. Fassbender is your central character, Callum Lynch, a prisoner who is sent back in time by Cotillard to experience the life of his ancestor, Aguilar, an infamous assassin in 15th Century Spain. Joining Fassbender and Cotillard are a gangbusters supporting cast; Michael K. Williams (The Wire), Jeremy Irons (Batman v Superman, The Borgias), and Brendan Gleeson (In Bruges, Edge of Tomorrow). What has us most excited, however, is this commitment to real stunt, the very "in-camera" effects that have made recent films like The Force Awakens so fun.

Assassin's Creed comes out on December 21.

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.