New Luke Cage Clip Shows One Annoying Aspect of Being a Superhero

Marvel's Luke Cage is giving Mike Colter's eponymous superhero the starring role he so clearly deserves. Colter's Cage was one of the best things about the very, very strong first season of Jessica Jonesand now that he's got his own show on Netflix, we'll get to spend a lot more time getting to know him. In this new clip, we find out one of the more annoying aspects about being an unbreakable superhero—people keep ruining your clothes in an attempt to take you down.

Cage gets his super-strength and unbreakable skin from an experiment gone wrong, which we're guessing we'll get to see a flashback to during the show. In the below clip, he confronts a group of crooks in a boxing gym; clearly these guys haven't heard about him, or they wouldn't try to punch him, let alone shoot him, once again ruining his clothes.

Check out the clip here. Also, for a reminder on why we're so excited about this show, here's the trailer that dropped earlier this month. Along with Colter, Luke Cage stars the great Alfre Woodard as Mariah Dillard, Mahershala Ali as Cornell Stokes (aka Cottonmouth), Theo Rossi as Shades, Simone Missick as Misty Knight, and Frank Whaley as Scarfe.

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.