Suicide Squad: Here’s the Harley Quinn Teaser You’ve Been Waiting for

We've shared with you Amanda Waller's (Viola Davis) teaser, where you got a chance to meet Suicide Squad's real heavy. We've shared the Deadshot (Will Smith) teaser, giving you a closer look at the squad leader and super villain played by one of Hollywood's most likable actors. And now, we're sharing the Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) teaser, everyone's favorite little psychopath, and possibly the film's most beloved character thus far (and it isn't even out until August 5th). While many have been intrigued about Will Smith playing a bad guy and Jared Leto's lunatic Joker, Robbie's Quinn has stolen the show in the lead-up to the film's premiere. Between her Brooklyn accent, gleeful lunacy and scene-stealing charming, Harley Quinn has generated not only buzz, but interest from Warner Bros. to make her the lead of an all female superhero film down the road.

In the minute long Harley teaser, we get a look inside the elevator that was briefly shown in a previous trailer. Now we see what Harley was doing in there before she met up with the rest of the squad. There's also a brief new shot of Harley and the Joker, together at last. 

Just a little more than two weeks until we can finally see the squad in action. 

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The Credits

The Credits is the Motion Picture Association's online platform that profiles below-the-line filmmakers and TV creators. Through in-depth interviews and coverage, we shine a spotlight on all the individuals who are indispensable to the entertainment industry and create the films and series we love.