Suicide Squad Test Screening Bodes Well for Film

We wrote last week about how the buzz surrounding Margot Robbie's performance as Harley Quinn (for the people at Warner Bros. who have seen a cut of the film) is such that the star is already in talks about starring as Quinn in an female-centric superhero movie. We're just like you, we've only seen the trailers, and those have been enough to excite us about this character—Robbie's Quinn has stolen each trailer with her preening, smiling nihilism. 

Now, there's word that there might be more reason for Warner Bros. to feel good about this decision, as Suicide Squad was shown to a test audience in California and the resultant tweets have all been more or less the same; "this film is awesome!" has collected the tweets of some of the folks who saw the film. You'll see that people are overwhelming positive about the film, heaping special praise on Robbie and Will Smith. Although it's still early and this is a small sample size, it's a promising bit of news for both the studio and fans who are hoping David Ayer's antihero extravaganza will live up to the hype (and be better than Batman v Superman).

Per Additionally, Nikongmer rates Suicide Squad an "8," left satisfied, thinks Leto's Joker fits the film's aesthetics, and expects Suicide Squad to receive a warmer reception by film critics than Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.​ Lyssa thinks Margot Robbie made a "perfectly crazy" Harley Quinn, Will Smith is an "amazing" Deadshot, Killer Croc produced some big laughs, and Leto's Joker showed off a "different aspect of insanity."

So far, so good.

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.