Behold the 1st Teaser for Doctor Strange

Marvel's Doctor Strange made his first appearance inside the cover of Strange Tales #110, and he was unlike anything that had come before him. From an arrogant surgeon to formidable sorcerer, Doctor Strange and the world he inhabited lived up to his name. Now, director Scott Derrickson has brought Doctor Strange to the big screen, with Benedict Cumberbatch taking on the goatee and magical powers as he leads viewers into some of the oddest realms of the Marvel universe, or, as you're about to see, the Marvel multiverse. 

Finally we get a glimpse of what Doctor Strange actually looks like, thanks to first trailer that debuted on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night. Here's what may surprise you, or at least, what surprised us; the film has quite a few Christopher Nolan-like touches. Take Tilda Swinton's character, who appears on first blush to be a Ra's al Ghul-like master to a neophyte Steven Strange. You remember Ra's al Ghul (Liam Neeson ), when he trained Bruce Wayne and essentially turned him into BatmanThen there's the jaw-dropping set piece of New York City folding over and away from itself—this recalled the wondrous Paris scene in Inception. Folks, these aren't bad echoes, it's just something that jumped out at us. Lots of superhero origin stories include tutelage under a master…as for watching a city unfold like origami, well, it's hard not to think of Inception there.

What we know for sure is this teaser trailer is certainly compelling, and with Cumberbatch, Swinton, Rachel McAdamsChiwetel EjioforMichael Stuhlbarg, and Mads MikkelsenDoctor Strange isn't short on great actors. By November 4, we'll finally see how all these pieces fit together.


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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.