Batman v Superman & 10 Other Mind-Blowing Superhero Fights

Unless you've been living on Krypton, you're well aware that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens today.  It is, pretty much inarguably, the most anticipated superhero smack down ever put on film, with the two most iconic characters in all of comics going toe-to-toe. With Captain America: Civil War continuing the trend of superheros going after each other rather than some bad guys, ScreenSlam has helpfully put together this video of 10 of the most mind blowing fights between superheroes from Marvel, DC, and "everything in between." That "everything" includes fights from films you've likely forgotten, like the brawl in 2004's The Punisher between Thomas Jane's titular anti-hero and the 6'9" Russian, which includes the latter literally batting a grenade at the former (just watch it). There's battles you'll probably be well aware of (Captain America v the Winter Soldier, Batman v Bane), and a few you may have missed all together (like the final showdown in Watchmen.) Regardless, if you're into superheroes fighting one another, this video's got you covered.


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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.