Don’t Get Into a Bar Fight With Jessica Jones

With Jessica Jones release date of November 20 creeping up, Netflix and Marvel Entertainment have released another teaser for their upcoming series, which features Krysten Ritter in the title role.

In this teaser, we see the aftermath of a few unlucky bar patrons who have clearly picked a fight with Jessica Jones, unaware she's a superhero and that one of her abilities is superhuman strength. It'll be fun to see the actual fight—for now, we'll settle for Jones' taste in music. Listen to the song she cues up in the juke box before she strolls out of the bar, over the men (and one woman) who had the ill conceived notion to fight her.

Featured image: Krysten Ritter stars as Jessica Jones. Courtesy Netflix. 

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The Credits

The Credits is the Motion Picture Association's online platform that profiles below-the-line filmmakers and TV creators. Through in-depth interviews and coverage, we shine a spotlight on all the individuals who are indispensable to the entertainment industry and create the films and series we love.