The Deadpool Trailer is Finally Here

When Wade Wilson goes in for his surgery, the one that will turn him into Deadpool, an anti-superhero with Wolverine-like healing powers, he’s told “one thing that never survives this place is a sense of humor.” That this isn’t close to true is one of the things that has fans salivating for the release of Deadpool. As this trailer proves, this film will have, among the usual accoutrements of the superhero genre, along with a huge heaping of very blue humor.

Since Comic-Con, 20th Century Fox’s long gestating, Ryan Reynolds led Deadpool has proven itself expert at whetting public appetite. It began with Reynolds exuberant performance (and fan reception) at Con, where the vibe felt valedictory and the excitement palpable. Then, there was this week’s teaser, which was little more than Reynolds, as Deadpool, prepping us for the trailer using language the R-rated superhero flick allows.

And now this trailer. It really does seem like Marvel/20th Century Fox, Reynolds, director Tim Miller and screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have gone for broke. Their depiction of former Special Forces operative Wade Wilson, turned lab experiment, turned anti-hero Deadpool is raunchy, riotous and decidedly R-rated. There are several lines and a few gory moments in the following trailer that make it NSFW. T.J. Miller’s lines alone could use their own trailer.

Bonus: Salt-n-Peppa's "Shoop" finally gets used in a trailer, Colossus (Andre Tricoteux) makes an appearance, and Gina Carano, as Angel Dust, has a moment.

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.