10 of the World’s Best Movie Theaters

The Grand Théâtre Lumière in Cannes is just about the most exciting movie theater in the world right now. As the 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival enters its second week, we got to thinking about some of the greatest theaters around the world.

America is, of course, no slouch in the great movie theater department–from the iconic Ziegfeld in New York City to the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin (which is now opening up a theater in downtown Los Angeles), there's plenty of fantastic theaters to choose from. Included in our list below are a few more American theaters–but we broadened our horizons and looked beyond our borders to find some of the best theaters in the world, and here is what we've come up with.

By no means a comprehensive list–our ten selections were chosen because of their diversity of spirit, location, and architecture. From France to South Korea to Australia, we've found a slew of amazing places to take in a film.

Featured image: Tampa Theater. Photo credit: Joe Roberts

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