Iconic ‘ArcLight Hollywood’ Hosts Great Films and Stars: Target Presents AFI Night At The Movies

Tonight, Target and the American Film Institute (AFI) are hosting an idyllic Angeleno event– a celebration of classic cinema alongside the stars born from them, seated before a big screen at the legendary dome-affixed, Sunset Boulevard institution; the ArcLight Theaters in Hollywood.  Admit it, the cineaste within you just swooned at the thought.

Unlike many nightclubs on the same street, swoon is not exclusive to well-connected denizens of LA – the world-renowned ArcLight Hollywood is as historical an institution as any in the City of Angels. The 61-year-old Cinerama dome, which has expanded into a high-end 14-screen multiplex, is the only concrete geodesic dome in the world and the premiere destination to see classic Cinerama films of yesteryear, like It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, and 2001: Space Odyssey – in addition to the soon-to-be classics of today. Ever since its acquisition by ArcLight, which added luxe amenities like plush chairs, state-of-the art lounge areas, and reserved seating, catching a flick at The Dome has become a bona fide LA tradition. Thanks to Target and AFI – a highly-cherished LA film institution in its own right – tomorrow night, movie viewing at the LA landmark gets even better.

“Target Presents: AFI Night at the Movies,” is a tour de force of classic films at the ArcLight, featuring twelve legendary pictures presented by filmmakers and stars. And the lineup this year will make it tough for die-hard cinephiles to choose a single film to view without a thorough pause. Behold the lineup:

Blade Runner: The Final Cut,” presented by Harrison Ford

Easy Rider,” presented by Peter Fonda

“Ghost,” presented by Demi Moor”

“In The Heat Of The Night,” presented by Sidney Poitier

“Misery,” presented by Kathy Bates

“Moonstruck,” presented by Cher

“Terms of Endearment,” presented by Shirley MacLaine

“The Thing,” presented by Kurt Russell

“The Usual Suspects,” presented by Kevin Spacey

“Shrek,” presented by Mike Meyers

“Norma Rae,” presented by Sally Field

“Pulp Fiction,” presented by Samuel L. Jackson

The American Film Institute has long established a strong presence in Los Angeles in various forms, from a renowned film school and library, to an acclaimed annual film festival and year-long cinema initiatives, including grants, fellowships, and workshops. AFI first teamed up with Target to bring Angelenos an evening with their favorite films and filmmakers in 2007 and 2008– and as zealots for craft and stories from filmmakers, we’re ecstatic the program is back.

Admission to the event is $30 a person, which includes ticket price, a large popcorn and soda, and a Magnum ice cream bar. So if you happen to be in the LA area this evening, we highly recommend attending tonight’s film-fueled event to get a closer look at some of history’s most memorable works of cinema, from the uber-talented artists themselves.

For more information on tonight’s event, check out AFI’s website. Tickets can be purchased in person or online.


About the Author
The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.